Tuesday, October 25, 2005

one humiliating night...

I’ll be sharing a recent “embarrassing” moment for me. Mabs, my college barkada celebrated his birthday last Friday in a greenhills restaurant (secret na lang muna where that is). I only knew about a handful, most of which are my blockmates. I’ve seen some of them La Salle and the others are his friends from work, bora, etc. So as we were drinking and making small talks with his colleagues in Colgate Palmolive, Mabs gave us a big bottle of vodka…I actually like Vodka sprite coz its sweet. Anyways, I mixed my own drink, and I was oh-so-generous with my every pour of vodka. By my third glass (btw, it’s a quite big drinking glass), I got a bit tipsy so I told chito, that’ll be my last. One thing you know I was having another glass and a tequila shot after. My tummy started to feel a bit funny so I decided we should go. But I went to the ladies room first, and I blew…bad! I knew I had to get out so we could go home na kagad and what do you know, as I left the washroom I knocked down a divider and found myself lying down on the floor.

I passed out, and then I heard some mumblings something like let’s help her out..etc. So I got up and they let me sit. I felt soooo bad…then chito got to me and took care of me…as well as about 4 more people, 1 staff was massaging my arm coz it hurts so bad, the guard was fanning me, another one was giving me water, another was helping me puke. Super eksena talaga…soo embarrassing. I was lying for more than an hour in 4 chairs.

The morning after, I had to have my arm checked coz it was swollen..and had to re-tell my humiliating story around 4 times as 2 doctors and 2 nurses asked me separately. I should’ve lied na lang coz my xrays and the prof fee were not covered by my health card. I had to tell my parents that I slipped, mama said we should sue the restaurant or file a complaint, etc. I just said that my sandals were a bit slippery na…and the resto had no fault with the incident.

Chito told me I should stay away from mixed drinks na since I tend to overdrink…I guess it’ll be tequila shots for me then, hahaha. Just kidding. About 2 or 3 bottles of sanmig light will do na the next time.

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