I was excited but hesitant. This will be the first time that Drei will be with so much kids at a time. Considering the number of times we’ll be riding the elevator (which drives him nuts!) and all the noise and confusion, I thought my Drei will go berserk.

It was a good 2.5hrs of craziness! HSBC held a Halloween treat for employees’ kids last week. We registered at the 10th flr at about 1pm. Drei was quiet at first, just looking at the other kids all dressed up. He enjoyed a few minutes of quiet time while he was 10 floors looking down at Ayala ave.

This was minutes before chaos!

Various departments at the TEC office dressed themselves up and their offices. Within the next hour, he was cranky. It was supposed to be nap time but there I was dragging Drei up and down the elevator, through the “trail” of the offices, and lining up for the treats.

He gulped on his milk, and then he was all charged up and perky! Drei got a lot of loot, where he munched on marshmallows and biscuits!

It was a fun but tiring day! But I’m happy that he put up with all the noise, the kids, and the new faces.
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