Sheesh, slept at 520am. I think I’m kinda addicted to TV (but I think “think” would be an understatement). I love ETC! started watching at around 1230am I guess, Elimidate was on that time, then change of heart, blind date, fifth wheel, and then lastly Starting over. In between commercials, I was playing Bejewelled, hahaha! My eyes hurt so much. Woke up at 12nn na in time for lunch. Mom prepared chicken tinola, it was so yummy!
And now I’m here in the office…found out that our radio partner wasn’t able to receive the new 30’s material I emailed him yesterday. So I had to go back just to resend it so we can still have it started by Monday, since this is our promo launch date.
Been stressed lately because of work…but I’m loving it…seriously…I’m not complaining. Sometimes of course there are suppliers / partners who are just so so hard to work with. I actually have only one agency on my mind right now…it’s for our marketing department to know and others to find out. I don’t want to badmouth anyone.
Have to go…
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
a different kinda date
Chito and I had a slight misunderstanding last night. It was quite petty so we settled things na this afternoon. How can I stay mad with my guy who’s been very sweet, thoughtful, caring, and loving? How can I resist his lonely bear look? His clever remarks that make me smile? Naaks…

When he got here at home this afternoon, I wanted to hug him and pinch his cute chubby cheeks, but I tried not to…coz there were things unsettled pa that time. We went out and he brought me to that place behind Mall of Asia. It was five in the afternoon, the wind was blowing just fine, the sun almost setting. There were families gathered around for picnic, kids playing with their kites, and some riding their bikes. A breather from the usual Greenbelt crowd, or The Fort’s resto strip, or QC’s traffic. I only heard the water splashing, felt the gentle breeze through my hair, saw some parked cars and families just spending time together. We made up though we didn’t say anything…we just looked at each other and realized that it’s not even worth our time dwelling on this petty thing that we had.
I sometimes think what have I done to deserve such a wonderful person in my life. Having him beside me makes everything so worthwhile. At the end of each busy, crazy day, I look forward to seeing my hunny to seal it off with a hug and a kiss on my forehead. And yes, my day is done.

When he got here at home this afternoon, I wanted to hug him and pinch his cute chubby cheeks, but I tried not to…coz there were things unsettled pa that time. We went out and he brought me to that place behind Mall of Asia. It was five in the afternoon, the wind was blowing just fine, the sun almost setting. There were families gathered around for picnic, kids playing with their kites, and some riding their bikes. A breather from the usual Greenbelt crowd, or The Fort’s resto strip, or QC’s traffic. I only heard the water splashing, felt the gentle breeze through my hair, saw some parked cars and families just spending time together. We made up though we didn’t say anything…we just looked at each other and realized that it’s not even worth our time dwelling on this petty thing that we had.
I sometimes think what have I done to deserve such a wonderful person in my life. Having him beside me makes everything so worthwhile. At the end of each busy, crazy day, I look forward to seeing my hunny to seal it off with a hug and a kiss on my forehead. And yes, my day is done.
Third already left for Australia yesterday. It was bittersweet. Chito was sad coz he’s best friend would be leaving for good but we’re both happy coz he’d finally be with his wonderful wife, Itin.
The mood in their house when we all said our goodbyes was kinda heavy…Tita Pechie, Maica, and I were crying. I remember telling Third nakakainis sya coz he’s making me cry. He hugged me and told me to take care of his bestfriend...and that if I need him, he’s there lang. I saw him holding back his tears, trying as much as possible to be strong…even his dad. I saw him walking around, trying to make himself busy so that he won’t get too emotional about all this stuff.
This guy’s the brother Chito never had. They grew up together, shared kalokohans, heartaches, foodtrips, etc. Chito was really sad, he says it feels odd that he’s not here anymore. He says this is totally different from the time he left Third in Naga, coz he’ll be in the land far, far away…hehe!
To Third, I wish you the best, no more sleepless nights for you. Finally, you’re with Itin na. You guys would always be in my prayers! We'll miss u here at home! Keep in touch!
The mood in their house when we all said our goodbyes was kinda heavy…Tita Pechie, Maica, and I were crying. I remember telling Third nakakainis sya coz he’s making me cry. He hugged me and told me to take care of his bestfriend...and that if I need him, he’s there lang. I saw him holding back his tears, trying as much as possible to be strong…even his dad. I saw him walking around, trying to make himself busy so that he won’t get too emotional about all this stuff.
This guy’s the brother Chito never had. They grew up together, shared kalokohans, heartaches, foodtrips, etc. Chito was really sad, he says it feels odd that he’s not here anymore. He says this is totally different from the time he left Third in Naga, coz he’ll be in the land far, far away…hehe!
To Third, I wish you the best, no more sleepless nights for you. Finally, you’re with Itin na. You guys would always be in my prayers! We'll miss u here at home! Keep in touch!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
girl friends
My bestest friends (glad, miray, charl, za, zory) and me & chito hang out at Miray’s place yesterday. We pigged out a bit and had some drinks (except for me coz I was feeling kinda sick). Berl wasn’t able to join us (again) coz she had to study in time for her bar exams in 2 months.
We were on our usual hyper mode. Trying to outdo each other for the limelight. Coz everybody just wanted to talk. For some reason, we only had a topic or two about high school. This is kinda odd coz we are so used to reminiscing our good old high school days (which I, by the way, treasure so much).
We talked about venturing into business (confidential pa at this stage, naks)…and hopefully making it happen in the near future. I was thinking about it just this week and Za was doing some initial research about it na pala, and all mah girls liked the idea. We’ll soon meet on this…
We watched this horror film, Shutter, and we screamed our ass off. Charl and Glad already watched it but they still screamed like there’s no tomorrow. Za and Zory were plain sissy (haha,loveu mares!)…actually kasama na rin ako dun. Well, it was bearable naman except for some scenes where there was blood involved, oh yes baby, I have to shut my eyes or just look away just so I won’t throw up. But, I should say, it was just an “okay” film. I’ll give it 3 stars (5 being the highest). Naks, parang movie critique no?
Anyways, well, we don’t see each other that often nor keep in touch that much (except for me & miray, thanks to ym!). But whatever time’s lost, we seem to catch up in just one night of vodka sprite, ginpom, and a lotsa liempo and chips.
We were on our usual hyper mode. Trying to outdo each other for the limelight. Coz everybody just wanted to talk. For some reason, we only had a topic or two about high school. This is kinda odd coz we are so used to reminiscing our good old high school days (which I, by the way, treasure so much).
We talked about venturing into business (confidential pa at this stage, naks)…and hopefully making it happen in the near future. I was thinking about it just this week and Za was doing some initial research about it na pala, and all mah girls liked the idea. We’ll soon meet on this…
We watched this horror film, Shutter, and we screamed our ass off. Charl and Glad already watched it but they still screamed like there’s no tomorrow. Za and Zory were plain sissy (haha,loveu mares!)…actually kasama na rin ako dun. Well, it was bearable naman except for some scenes where there was blood involved, oh yes baby, I have to shut my eyes or just look away just so I won’t throw up. But, I should say, it was just an “okay” film. I’ll give it 3 stars (5 being the highest). Naks, parang movie critique no?
Anyways, well, we don’t see each other that often nor keep in touch that much (except for me & miray, thanks to ym!). But whatever time’s lost, we seem to catch up in just one night of vodka sprite, ginpom, and a lotsa liempo and chips.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
work hazards
I started my "quest," (yes it was a quest for me) last year for a career in marketing...and after a year of working in an advertising agency and an experiential marketing firm, I'm now at LBC's marketing department. Doing what I love to do. I really didn' t mind working my ass off coz I tend to forget that I too, need some rest.
Just recently, my boss called my attention. He was saying that I need to delegate some responsibilities (since we're coming up with a nationwide promo that i'm overlooking now). I was involved with even the tiniest detail.
I even had to get the DTI permit (yes, queueing and stuff) coz I was the point person for formulating the mechanics. He said that he doesn't want my time wasted doing it coz I had more important things to do. I actually asked for help from another department who are helping us for this promo. I asked one person there if he can accompany me sa DTI since they consulted there na before. But what did i get? He asked, "pano tayo pupunta dun?" My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe he asked me that. I mean we can take a cab, it's not even a concern that should be raised. Cutting the story short, i went alone. He even wanted a sit-down meeting to discuss the mechanics. I'm like, duh? We already had a meeting on this, and i just made some minor revisions.
To make the matters worse, those guys from that dept told their boss that I wasn't working with them on this project. Told my boss that I can't rely on them since they would cause me to run behind schedule... everybody knows it. I mean if they really wanted to help they could've initiated and not wait for us to tell them what to do. My God, we're like in our mid-20's in marketing and they're like...well, i dunno how old. But old enough I guess to know some work ethics and essentials and old enough not to be told what to do.
I actually see it as a challenge. And i admit, i should delegate more. I have this tendency to trust people less when it comes to a project that I'm heading...that i tend to do most of the job. My boss told me, I can't be the foot soldier and at the same time the captain of the ship. Kind of a wake up call for me.
I'm learning a lot about marketing, about people, about me. And I'm loving it! No matter how stressful it may become.
Sorry, just had to take out this shit out of me.
Just recently, my boss called my attention. He was saying that I need to delegate some responsibilities (since we're coming up with a nationwide promo that i'm overlooking now). I was involved with even the tiniest detail.
I even had to get the DTI permit (yes, queueing and stuff) coz I was the point person for formulating the mechanics. He said that he doesn't want my time wasted doing it coz I had more important things to do. I actually asked for help from another department who are helping us for this promo. I asked one person there if he can accompany me sa DTI since they consulted there na before. But what did i get? He asked, "pano tayo pupunta dun?" My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe he asked me that. I mean we can take a cab, it's not even a concern that should be raised. Cutting the story short, i went alone. He even wanted a sit-down meeting to discuss the mechanics. I'm like, duh? We already had a meeting on this, and i just made some minor revisions.
To make the matters worse, those guys from that dept told their boss that I wasn't working with them on this project. Told my boss that I can't rely on them since they would cause me to run behind schedule... everybody knows it. I mean if they really wanted to help they could've initiated and not wait for us to tell them what to do. My God, we're like in our mid-20's in marketing and they're like...well, i dunno how old. But old enough I guess to know some work ethics and essentials and old enough not to be told what to do.
I actually see it as a challenge. And i admit, i should delegate more. I have this tendency to trust people less when it comes to a project that I'm heading...that i tend to do most of the job. My boss told me, I can't be the foot soldier and at the same time the captain of the ship. Kind of a wake up call for me.
I'm learning a lot about marketing, about people, about me. And I'm loving it! No matter how stressful it may become.
Sorry, just had to take out this shit out of me.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
everything happens for a reason
I learned a lot from my previous relationship.
I became a person I was not. I loved myself less. Allowed myself to be vulnerable. I hanged on when its not worth the pain and tears. I hoped he would change. I disrespected myself by letting him hurt me. Treat me badly when I hardly displease him. It was always about him. That I need to adjust because he wants something else. That I have to understand him every single time. That I had no right to complain about us because he thinks my views are trivial. I let him put me down.
It was my fault. All these could’ve not happened had I not allowed him to do it the first time. I knew all along what I was made of. But I allowed him to change the way I think about myself. I was hurt soo badly. I cried until no tears fell and my eyes almost closed. Being with him makes me feel bad…makes me sad. But I still stayed.
As one famous philosopher once said…”anything that doesn’t kill you makes you better” And when things get even worse we say (everybody now…) “everything happens for a reason.”
I learned to value myself more and reassess the way I view relationships. I realized that sometimes what I want doesn’t necessarily mean it’s what I need.
But my relationship now with my Bear is all that I need and more. He appreciates the beautiful person in me. He makes me feel so loved, so cared for, so special. His soul fills up mine and his heart captivates mine every single day. He makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Having him beside tells me that yes at the end of each day, everything will be okay. I never thought I would feel such kind of love so pure and so true.
I’m grateful everyday having him in my life. I never thought that such kind of happiness that I feel right now would happen to me. I am just so overwhelmed knowing that God answered my prayers and gave me not what I wanted but what I needed.
I wouldn’t trade “us” for anything. I am the luckiest person in the world, coz my dream man came knocking at my door. A blessing that I would forever be thankful for.
I became a person I was not. I loved myself less. Allowed myself to be vulnerable. I hanged on when its not worth the pain and tears. I hoped he would change. I disrespected myself by letting him hurt me. Treat me badly when I hardly displease him. It was always about him. That I need to adjust because he wants something else. That I have to understand him every single time. That I had no right to complain about us because he thinks my views are trivial. I let him put me down.
It was my fault. All these could’ve not happened had I not allowed him to do it the first time. I knew all along what I was made of. But I allowed him to change the way I think about myself. I was hurt soo badly. I cried until no tears fell and my eyes almost closed. Being with him makes me feel bad…makes me sad. But I still stayed.
As one famous philosopher once said…”anything that doesn’t kill you makes you better” And when things get even worse we say (everybody now…) “everything happens for a reason.”
I learned to value myself more and reassess the way I view relationships. I realized that sometimes what I want doesn’t necessarily mean it’s what I need.
But my relationship now with my Bear is all that I need and more. He appreciates the beautiful person in me. He makes me feel so loved, so cared for, so special. His soul fills up mine and his heart captivates mine every single day. He makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Having him beside tells me that yes at the end of each day, everything will be okay. I never thought I would feel such kind of love so pure and so true.
I’m grateful everyday having him in my life. I never thought that such kind of happiness that I feel right now would happen to me. I am just so overwhelmed knowing that God answered my prayers and gave me not what I wanted but what I needed.
I wouldn’t trade “us” for anything. I am the luckiest person in the world, coz my dream man came knocking at my door. A blessing that I would forever be thankful for.
Monday, July 18, 2005
my hunny bestfriend
I quote the first line of one of the hit songs today…"who would’ve thought this is how the pieces fit?..."
I’ve always dreamed of someday meeting a guy bestfriend whom I’d simply be myself. No qualms, no pretentions. And yes I quote myself saying that if I see someone as my friend, that’s it. Period.
I came to know my guy friend…I didn’t mind if I looked unkept, be cranky at times and throw tantrums around. Be loud, bitch around, act crazy. I always said what was on my mind. It was so easy being with him.
We would have food trips. Crave for California maki almost simultaneously, go lunch outs with our officemates, go to glorietta for that San Francisco coffee brownie a la mode and stuff. I’d ask if I can hitch to work if its raining…coz I so hated bringing jackets or umbrellas. I’d rather get wet than bring those things with me. He didn’t mind.
We would take out our Hongky pal with our friends to gimiks, beach trips, food trips, etc. Hang out at Fraser place. Watch horror dvd’s. Some of my girl friends would make palibre and he’d readily do so. He’d watch over me. See if I’m getting drunk…wait till I get tucked in. He would share his breakfast sandwich me…coz I loved them. Soo yummy! He’d even give me my favorite chocolate bar if he has some at home or those Kraft cheese crackers that I really liked. He even took my friend and I home coz we stayed till the beauty parlor’s closing time.
One time I wasn’t feeling well and he asked if he could take me home just to make sure I’m okay. But I said I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. Midway my walk in Paseo, I said I can’t take it anymore, I thought I can make it pa. He picked me up and brought me to my place. He took care of me.
I would open up to him, share my heartaches…He would listen and make me feel better after our conversation.
He never took advantage of our friendship. He respected me.
And then things became quite uneasy for me at some point. I had a slight hint when he would take on the role of being my boyfriend of some sort. He’d ask me by lunch time “Pa’no ka uwi?” I mean, it could’ve been less obvious if he asked me by end of office hours. He was obliging himself to take me home every chance there is.
But he was never my type. Not tall, got love handles, has chest hair. No attraction whatsoever.
I became indifferent. I didn’t want him to like me more than a friend. But he did. I would intentionally hurt him in more ways than one just so he would back off and think twice about me. But he was just there. He didn’t mind if I was being harsh…Hanging on to those moments that I’d be nice to him.
I quote from an old song “…what started out as friendship has grown stronger…”
I suddenly became nicer, more receptive. I admired his soul and loved his heart.
I soon found myself not minding if we were always together. He’d pick me up from my office in Ortigas, treat me out to dinner, bring me home. He’d do this everyday after work. Makati – Ortigas – Makati – Quezon city. He waited for me even if I stayed late in the office.
I felt so special when I’m around him. He made me very happy and content. He supported me all the way. He made me a better person. He never failed to look after me, and amaze me. I get moved with his feelings for me. Made things seem so easy for me. He inspired me to reach my dreams.
I realized that maybe I was looking too hard for my perfect guy. He was right in front of me, my bestfriend.
As I said, I’ve always dreamed of someday meeting a guy bestfriend whom I’d simply be myself. No qualms, no pretentions
And I quote again “who would’ve thought this is how the pieces fit?”
I’ve always dreamed of someday meeting a guy bestfriend whom I’d simply be myself. No qualms, no pretentions. And yes I quote myself saying that if I see someone as my friend, that’s it. Period.
I came to know my guy friend…I didn’t mind if I looked unkept, be cranky at times and throw tantrums around. Be loud, bitch around, act crazy. I always said what was on my mind. It was so easy being with him.
We would have food trips. Crave for California maki almost simultaneously, go lunch outs with our officemates, go to glorietta for that San Francisco coffee brownie a la mode and stuff. I’d ask if I can hitch to work if its raining…coz I so hated bringing jackets or umbrellas. I’d rather get wet than bring those things with me. He didn’t mind.
We would take out our Hongky pal with our friends to gimiks, beach trips, food trips, etc. Hang out at Fraser place. Watch horror dvd’s. Some of my girl friends would make palibre and he’d readily do so. He’d watch over me. See if I’m getting drunk…wait till I get tucked in. He would share his breakfast sandwich me…coz I loved them. Soo yummy! He’d even give me my favorite chocolate bar if he has some at home or those Kraft cheese crackers that I really liked. He even took my friend and I home coz we stayed till the beauty parlor’s closing time.
One time I wasn’t feeling well and he asked if he could take me home just to make sure I’m okay. But I said I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. Midway my walk in Paseo, I said I can’t take it anymore, I thought I can make it pa. He picked me up and brought me to my place. He took care of me.
I would open up to him, share my heartaches…He would listen and make me feel better after our conversation.
He never took advantage of our friendship. He respected me.
And then things became quite uneasy for me at some point. I had a slight hint when he would take on the role of being my boyfriend of some sort. He’d ask me by lunch time “Pa’no ka uwi?” I mean, it could’ve been less obvious if he asked me by end of office hours. He was obliging himself to take me home every chance there is.
But he was never my type. Not tall, got love handles, has chest hair. No attraction whatsoever.
I became indifferent. I didn’t want him to like me more than a friend. But he did. I would intentionally hurt him in more ways than one just so he would back off and think twice about me. But he was just there. He didn’t mind if I was being harsh…Hanging on to those moments that I’d be nice to him.
I quote from an old song “…what started out as friendship has grown stronger…”
I suddenly became nicer, more receptive. I admired his soul and loved his heart.
I soon found myself not minding if we were always together. He’d pick me up from my office in Ortigas, treat me out to dinner, bring me home. He’d do this everyday after work. Makati – Ortigas – Makati – Quezon city. He waited for me even if I stayed late in the office.
I felt so special when I’m around him. He made me very happy and content. He supported me all the way. He made me a better person. He never failed to look after me, and amaze me. I get moved with his feelings for me. Made things seem so easy for me. He inspired me to reach my dreams.
I realized that maybe I was looking too hard for my perfect guy. He was right in front of me, my bestfriend.
As I said, I’ve always dreamed of someday meeting a guy bestfriend whom I’d simply be myself. No qualms, no pretentions
And I quote again “who would’ve thought this is how the pieces fit?”
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