three names you go by:
1. Ethel
2. Thel
3. hunny (by chito lang)
three screen names you have had:
1. prettyveda (I got a lot of msgs from Indians through this,badtrip)
2. ethel (corny ba?)
3. no more na
three physical things you like about yourself:
1. brown eyes
2. smile
3. butt (yeah baby,hehe)
three physical things you don't like about yourself:
1. fat legs
2. fat arms
3. fat tummy
three parts of your heritage:
1. honesty
2. fear of God
3. integrity
(parang pang mission-vision sa school, haha)
three things that scare you:
1. froooooogs (and I hate it that they make frog wallets, as if youre cool when you have those, eeewww talaga)
2. Big orange moon – this gives me the creeps (so it’s the orange moon, then the howling wolf, and the “thriller” sequence, hahah)
3. bad karma
three of your everyday essentials:
1. cellphone
2. kikay kit
3. palm pilot
three of your favorite musical artists:
1. Faith Evans
2. Ashanti
3. Barry white
three of your favorite songs:
1. Spend mylife with you by U-turn
2. Love like this by Faith Evans
3. Knocks me off my feet by Stevie Wonder
three things you want in a relationship:
1. Security
2. Love & friendship
3. good conversations
three lies and truths in no particular order:
1. im o.c.
2. im mature in all aspects (haha)
3. “its okay”
1. im in love (mushy, mushy)
2. God is just
3. im moody
three physical things about the opposite sex that appeals to you:
1. cute Eyes
2. nice arms
3. nice butt
three of your favorite hobbies:
1. dancing
2. Body jam/combat at fitness first
3. updating my scrapbook
three things you want to do really badly now:
1. watch tv all day till my eyes hurt
2. shop, and shop, and shop
3. Play with my niece and nephew
three careers you're considering/you've considered:
1. entrepreneur
2. be a professional singer (ha, I wish)
3. OFW (to get lotsa moolah)
three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Bangkok (to shop)
2. France (to unwind)
3. Bora or bohol (to relax)
three kid's names you like:
1. Kirby
2. Kirsten / Christine
3. Ashley
three things you want to do before you die:
1. hav a PDI feature as a success story in my chosen field
2. marry the love of my life (naks!)
3. enjoy my grandchildren
three ways that you are stereotypically a boy:
1. I pig out
2. I don’t know how to clean my toe nails (that’s why I always get pedicures)
3. I have a “jungle” bag (my phone would ring and I cant seem to find it in my small bag..hmmm…)
three ways that you are stereotypically a girl:
1. I love dressing up
2. I love kids
3. I’m very loving
three celeb crushes:
1. Paul Walker (too fast, too furious star)
2. Outback Jack (girls just love him)
3. uhm, wala na.
three people that i would like to see take this quiz:
1. zaza
2. hunny
3. miray